Media Operational Notice

Committee to Launch Report on “Women in Politics and the Northern Ireland Assembly”

Session: 2014/2015

Date: 06 March 2015

The Assembly and Executive Review Committee will launch its report on “Women in Politics and the Northern Ireland Assembly” on Monday 9 March 2015 (International Women’s Day).  

Further information on the Committee Review including the Terms of Reference can be found here:   

Date:              Monday 9 March 2015

Time:             12pm

Venue:           Assembly Chamber

This meeting of the Assembly will be streamed live on the Northern Ireland Assembly website via the following link:  

Media Interviews: Please note that the Committee Chairperson Stephen Moutray MLA, Deputy Chairperson Pat Sheehan MLA and Committee Members Caitríona Ruane MLA and Paula Bradley MLA will all be available for media interviews.