Order Paper

Reference: OP 72 - 2227

Date: 13 January 2025


1.   Prayers

2.   Members’ Statements

3.   Executive Committee Business

Motion: The draft Human Medicines (Amendment) (Modular Manufacture and Point of Care) Regulations 2024


That the draft Human Medicines (Amendment) (Modular Manufacture and Point of Care) Regulations 2024 be approved.

Minister of Health


4.   Question Time

4.1     Justice

4.2     Agriculture, Environment and Rural Affairs

5.   Private Members’ Business

Motion: Ambulance Waiting Times


That this Assembly expresses grave concern at the pressure facing the Northern Ireland Ambulance Service (Ambulance Service) and the impact on patients with life-threatening or emergency health needs; further expresses severe concern that response time targets for categories one, two and three calls to the Ambulance Service were missed in every month of last year; agrees that the Department of Health has failed to adequately address the causes of unacceptable ambulance waiting times, including the lack of capacity in the Ambulance Service workforce and delays in admitting patients to hospital from ambulances; and calls on the Minister of Health to urgently bring forward proposals to improve the availability and capacity of ambulance services, including development of an Ambulance Service workforce plan, to support the new Clinical Response Model.

Miss Nuala McAllister
Mr Danny Donnelly
Ms Paula Bradshaw
Mr Stewart Dickson

Motion: Protecting Frontline Services from Increase in Employers’ National Insurance


That this Assembly recognises the need to protect businesses and community and voluntary sector organisations that provide vital frontline services in Northern Ireland from the destructive impact of the increase in employers’ National Insurance contributions; notes concerns voiced by general practitioners, dentists, care homes and a range of other independent providers that this extra cost could lead to job losses, jeopardise the future of some services and create additional hardship for the most vulnerable in society; further notes the rising pressures facing Executive departments, local councils and the Northern Ireland Civil Service as a result of the Government’s decision; calls on the Minister of Finance to work with Executive colleagues to ascertain the total additional cost of increased employer National Insurance contributions for the public sector, including independent providers; and further calls on the Minister to lobby the Chancellor of the Exchequer for the funding required to meet this shortfall in full, protect jobs and incomes and place the delivery of frontline public services on a stable footing.

Ms Diane Forsythe
Mr Phillip Brett
Mr Paul Frew

6.      Adjournment