Order Paper
Reference: OP 63 - 2227
Date: 12 November 2024
The Assembly to sit at 10.30am.
1. Prayers
2. Members’ Statements
3. Question Time
3.1 Economy
4. Committee Business
Motion: Review of Racist Incidents
That this Assembly condemns ongoing racist incidents in our community; and calls upon the First Minister and deputy First Minister to urgently carry out a comprehensive review into the racist attacks of July and August 2024, to include what happened, why it happened and who was involved, and to bring forward proposals on how to prevent it happening again.
Chairperson, Committee for the Executive Office
5. Private Members’ Business
Motion: Holiday Hunger and the High Cost of School Uniforms
That this Assembly notes with grave concern the significant impact of holiday hunger and the high cost of school uniforms and PE kits on families across Northern Ireland; further notes that during the absence of a functioning Executive, funding for the school holiday food grant scheme, which provided payments to prevent holiday hunger for around 100,000 children and young people, was withdrawn; expresses concern over the continued lack of action to address these issues despite the restoration of the Executive; recognises that the ongoing rise in the cost of living, including the high cost of school uniforms, is pushing many families beyond the brink; and calls on the Minister of Education to provide an urgent update on the steps his Department is taking to tackle holiday hunger and reduce the financial burden of school uniforms and PE kits on struggling families.
Mr Robbie Butler
Mr Andy Allen
Mr John Stewart
Mr Colin Crawford
6. Adjournment
- Financial Support for Rural Communities in Mid Ulster
Mr Keith Buchanan