Order Paper

Reference: OP 47/22-27

Date: 10 September 2024

1. Prayers

2. Members’ Statements

3. Question Time

3.1 Agriculture, Environment and Rural Affairs

4. Committee Business

Motion: Extension of Committee Stage – Child Support Enforcement Bill (NIA Bill 05/22-27)


That, in accordance with Standing Order 33(4), the period referred to in Standing Order 33(2) be extended to 13 December 2024, in relation to the Committee Stage of the Child Support Enforcement Bill.

Chairperson, Committee for Communities

5. Private Members’ Business

Motion: Budgetary Pressures


That this Assembly expresses its grave concern at the significant budgetary pressures facing the Executive; recognises the severe impact of these pressures on the delivery of, and investment in, public services, including policing and justice, health and social care, education, housing, infrastructure and our environment; notes that these pressures have arisen as a result of a failed policy of austerity at Westminster, financial mismanagement by the previous UK Government and underfunding of Northern Ireland below its level of relative need; agrees that, while the interim Fiscal Framework agreed with the UK Government was an important first step, the proposed 124 per cent relative need factor does not adequately reflect policing and justice need in Northern Ireland and the disproportionate squeeze on the justice budget; believes that a baselined fiscal floor set at a level greater than 124 per cent should be delivered without further delay; calls on the Minister of Finance to publish the Executive Sustainability Plan, including steps to tackle the cost of division in society, which leaves the Executive with hundreds of millions of pounds less to invest in public services each year; and further calls on the UK Government to depart from its austerity policy by reviewing the fiscal rules and pursuing a progressive taxation system.

Mr Eóin Tennyson

Mr Stewart Dickson

Miss Nuala McAllister

Mr Nick Mathison  

Motion: Late Payments in the Public Sector


That this Assembly believes businesses and traders who supply goods and services to the public sector should be paid on time and in full; recognises that late payments can negatively impact cash flow and cause undue stress for business owners and their employees; notes with concern the findings of research published by the Federation of Small Businesses in 2023, which found that 56 per cent of small business owners and the self-employed in Northern Ireland had experienced late payment in the last three months; further notes that Northern Ireland was jointly the worst affected region; is concerned that the reasons for late public sector payments generally remain unreported; highlights the need for enhanced reporting by all public bodies in order to improve accountability in this area; calls on the Minister of Finance to introduce a new Executive target for payment of at least 90 per cent of invoices within 5 days for work completed; and further calls on the Minister to work with Executive colleagues to agree fresh measures to ensure 100 per cent of valid invoices are paid within the 30 calendar day statutory limit.

Ms Diane Forsythe

Mr Paul Frew

6. Adjournment

  • Access to Rural GP Services in Fermanagh

Miss Áine Murphy


Statements by Ministers may also be taken at any time subject to the Speaker’s approval. Notice of Statements will appear on the Annunciator.