Order Paper
Reference: OP 79 - 2227
Date: 04 February 2025
Indicative timings for order of business
The Assembly to sit at 10.30am.
1. Prayers
2. Members’ Statements
3. Assembly Business
Motion: Allowances to Members of the Northern Ireland Assembly
That this Assembly notes the resolution of 30 June 2020 that Members’ salaries and pensions should be determined by an independent body and that Members’ allowances should be determined by the Assembly Commission; and resolves that any allowances payable to former Members of the Assembly, under section 48 of the Northern Ireland Act 1998, including resettlement and winding-up allowances, should also be determined by the Assembly Commission; that any change to these allowances may have retrospective or prospective effect; and that the Assembly Commission should publish any such determination.
Assembly Commission
4. Question Time
4.1 Agriculture, Environment and Rural Affairs
5. Committee Business
Motion: Prayer of Annulment – The Direct Payments to Farmers (Cross-Compliance) (Amendment) Regulations (Northern Ireland) 2024
That the Direct Payments to Farmers (Cross-Compliance) (Amendment) Regulations (Northern Ireland) 2024 (SR 2024/211) be annulled.
Chairperson, Committee for Agriculture, Environment and Rural Affairs
6. Private Members’ Business
Motion: Supporting Learning Pathways for our Young People
That this Assembly recognises the fundamental importance of education in enabling our children and young people to reach their full potential, develop their skills, and prepare them for life; further recognises that the education system must support and accommodate the diverse needs, interests, and potential of all children and young people; acknowledges the vital role that the Department of Education plays in opening career pathways for young people and the pivotal work done by our school staff to support this; and calls on the Minister of Education to assess the current per-pupil funding model for sixth form colleges to consider whether it adequately supports all learning pathways with the potential to help address identified skills gaps across the economy.
Mr Pádraig Delargy
Mr Pat Sheehan
Mrs Cathy Mason
Mr Danny Baker
7. Adjournment
- Belfast Night Time Economy
Mr Phillip Brett