Order Paper

Reference: OP 34/22-27

Date: 28 May 2024

The Assembly to sit at 10.30am.

1. Prayers

2. Members’ Statements

3. Public Petition

Dean Maguirc College Enrolment Cap

Mr Declan McAleer

4. Assembly Business

Motion: Committee Membership


That Mr Patsy McGlone replace Ms Cara Hunter as a member of the Business Committee; that Ms Cara Hunter replace Mr Matthew O’Toole as a member of the Committee on Procedures; and Mr Matthew O’Toole replace Ms Cara Hunter as a member of the Assembly and Executive Review Committee.

Mr Colin McGrath
Mr Daniel McCrossan

5. Executive Committee Business

Motion: The draft Period Products (Department for Infrastructure Specified Public Service Bodies) Regulations (Northern Ireland) 2024


That the draft Period Products (Department for Infrastructure Specified Public Service Bodies) Regulations (Northern Ireland) 2024 be approved.

Minister for Infrastructure

Motion: The Pensions Dashboards (No. 2) Regulations (Northern Ireland) 2023


That the Pensions Dashboards (No. 2) Regulations (Northern Ireland) 2023 be approved.

Minister for Communities

Motion: The draft Human Medicines (Amendments relating to Registered Dental Hygienists, Registered Dental Therapists and Registered Pharmacy Technicians) Regulations 2024


That the draft Human Medicines (Amendments relating to Registered Dental Hygienists, Registered Dental Therapists and Registered Pharmacy Technicians) Regulations 2024 be approved.

Minister of Health


Motion: Budget 2024-23


That this Assembly approves the programme of expenditure proposals for 2024-25 as announced by the Minister of Finance on 25 April 2024 and set out in the Budget document laid before the Assembly on 20 May 2024.

Minister of Finance 

6. Question Time

6.1 The Executive Office

7. Adjournment

  • New Building for Bangor Central Integrated Primary School

Ms Connie Egan