Order Paper

Reference: OP 24/22-27

Date: 16 April 2024

The Assembly to sit at 10.30am.

1. Prayers

2. Members’ Statements

3. Question Time

3.1 Infrastructure

4. Opposition Business

Motion: Removing the Universal Credit Two-Child Limit


That this Assembly acknowledges the findings of the recent Northern Ireland Audit Office report on Child Poverty that nearly half of all children living in relative poverty come from families with three or more children; recognises the pernicious role that the Universal Credit two-child limit has played in increasing the number of children in poverty; understands that the majority of those negatively impacted by the two-child limit are working families; notes that removing this limit is within the powers of the Northern Ireland Executive; believes that the consequences of childhood poverty far outweigh the cost of removing the cap; and calls on the Minister for Communities to present a plan before this Assembly to remove the two-child limit before the end of 2024.

Leader of the Opposition

Motion: Eradicating Fuel Poverty


That this Assembly believes it is unacceptable that 290 people in Northern Ireland die each winter due to cold homes; accepts that the Warmer Healthier Homes Fuel Poverty Strategy is over a decade old and is no longer fit for purpose; calls on the Executive to include a clear target for eradicating fuel poverty in the next Programme for Government; and further calls on the Minister for Communities to work with his Executive colleagues to establish a fuel poverty task force and to present an updated fuel poverty strategy before the end of this year with specific commitments to introduce a cap on energy prices, system price protections for home heating oil customers and proposals for social tariffs to protect the most vulnerable.

Leader of the Opposition

Motion: Banning No-Fault Evictions


That this Assembly declares a housing crisis; expresses its concern that social housing waiting lists have almost doubled in the past 20 years with a clear long-term trend towards longer waiting times; acknowledges the findings of the 2023 report by the Office for National Statistics on Private Rental Affordability that median rent in Northern Ireland’s private rented sector accounts for 25 per cent of household income; regrets that the loss of private rented accommodation continues to drive homelessness; and calls on the Minister for Communities to provide an immediate update on the Housing Supply Strategy and bring forward legislation to ban no-fault evictions in Northern Ireland.

Leader of the Opposition

5. Executive Committee Business

Motion: Accelerated Passage – Hospital Parking Charges Bill


That the Hospital Parking Charges Bill proceed under the accelerated passage procedure.

Minister of Health

Second Stage: Hospital Parking Charges Bill

Minister of Health

6. Adjournment


Statements by Ministers may also be taken at any time subject to the Speaker’s approval.