Order Paper

Reference: OP 23/22-27

Date: 15 April 2024

The Assembly to sit at noon.

1. Prayers

2. Members’ Statements

3. Public Petition

Completion of A1 Road Improvements

Mr Patrick Brown

4. Assembly Business

Motion: Committee Membership


That Mr Robbie Butler replace Mr John Stewart as a member of the Business Committee.

Mr Doug Beattie

Mr Alan Chambers

5. Executive Committee Business

Motion: The draft Period Products (Department of Education Specified Public Service Bodies) Regulations (Northern Ireland) 2024


That the draft Period Products (Department of Education Specified Public Service Bodies) Regulations (Northern Ireland) 2024 be approved.

Minister of Education

6. Question Time

6.1 The Executive Office

6.2 Health

7. Private Members’ Business

Motion: Reducing Child Poverty


That this Assembly expresses profound regret at the findings of the recent NI Audit Office report on Child Poverty, including the shocking finding that one in five children in Northern Ireland are living in relative poverty and nearly 10 per cent of households are unable to afford basic goods; calls on the Minister for Communities to lay before the Assembly, no later than September 2024, a comprehensive child poverty strategy which includes specific and measurable targets to reduce child poverty by the end of this mandate; and further calls on the Minister to work with the Minister of Finance to agree an ambitious ring-fenced budget to deliver on the aforementioned child poverty reduction targets by the end of this mandate.

Mr Matthew O’Toole

Ms Cara Hunter

Motion: Baby Loss Certificate Scheme and Pathology Service


That this Assembly acknowledges the grief, pain and trauma caused by the loss of a baby during pregnancy; recognises that the trauma felt is exacerbated by bereaved parents having to travel to England for a post-mortem due to the absence of a local perinatal and paediatric pathologist; further recognises the potential of an all-island paediatric pathology service so bereaved parents can access post-mortems on the island of Ireland; believes parents should have the option to have their child's memory recorded with an official certificate free of charge; and calls on the Minister of Finance to develop a Baby Loss Certificate Scheme for those parents that have lost a baby during pregnancy before 24 weeks.

Ms Liz Kimmins

Miss Órlaithí Flynn

Mrs Linda Dillon

8. Adjournment


Statements by Ministers may also be taken at any time subject to the Speaker’s approval.