Order Paper

Reference: OP 19/22-27

Date: 12 March 2024

The Assembly to sit at 10.30am.

1. Prayers

2. Members' Statements

3. Executive Business

Motion: The Rates (Regional Rates) Order (Northern Ireland) 2024


That the Rates (Regional Rates) Order (Northern Ireland) 2024 be affirmed.

Minister of Finance

4. Question Time

3.1 Communities

5. Private Members' Business

Motion: Workers' Rights


That this Assembly stands in solidarity with workers and trade unions in their campaign to improve workers' rights and conditions; acknowledges the insecurity that workers face due to precarious working arrangements such as zero hour contracts, fire and rehire practices and bogus self-employment; recognises the importance of supporting work-life balance, access to paid carers leave, and entitlement to tips and gratuities for workers; believes that increased trade union membership and recognition is vital to improving workers' rights and conditions; and calls on the Minister for the Economy to continue to work to bring forward new employment legislation to address these issues and to support and protect workers.

Mr Declan Kearney
Mr Pádraig Delargy
Mr Philip McGuigan

Motion: Fresh Start Funding for Integrated Education Capital Projects


That this Assembly reaffirms its commitment to the facilitation and growth of integrated education as set out in the Good Friday Agreement; notes the Department of Education's duty to meet the demand for the provision of integrated education within the context of the overall sustainability of the school estate as set out in the Integrated Education Act 2022; welcomes the support of the Independent Review of Education for expanding integrated education; believes that integrated education is fundamental to transforming our education sector, with both societal and financial benefits, and is vital to building a more shared and reconciled community; regrets the UK Government's decision to remove ring-fencing from £150m in Fresh Start funding for new build integrated education projects; further notes the Minister of Education's letter to the Secretary of State requesting funding for Fresh Start projects; calls on the UK Government to reverse its decision; and further calls on the Minister to seek to recommit capital funding to support new build integrated education projects as a matter of priority.

Ms Paula Bradshaw
Mr Nick Mathison
Ms Kate Nicholl
Mr Eóin Tennyson

6. Adjournment

Road Safety Improvements on the A20 Portaferry Road, Newtownards.

Miss Michelle McIlveen


Statements by Ministers may also be taken at any time subject to the Speaker's approval.

Notice of Statements will appear on the Annunciator.