Order Paper
Reference: OP 21/22-27
Date: 08 April 2024
The Assembly to sit at noon.
1. Prayers
2. Members' Statements
3. Assembly Business
Motion: Committee Membership
That Mr William Irwin replace Mr Gary Middleton as a member of the Committee on Procedures; and that Mr Brian Kingston replace Mr Stephen Dunne as a member of the Committee on Standards and Privileges.
Mr Trevor Clarke
Mr David Brooks
Mr Gary Middleton
Mr Harry Harvey
4. Question Time
5. Private Members' Business
Motion: Strategic Framework for a Shared Future
That this Assembly recognises the ongoing need to build a genuinely shared future; expresses concern at the ongoing and severe costs, both social and financial, of continued social and economic segregation; notes the value of increasing numbers of people now enjoying educational, sporting and career opportunities free from the confines of traditional community divisions; further recognises the need to expand these opportunities to the entire community, including by ensuring that public money is spent on delivery of public services that are open to all rather than on maintaining or further embedding division; and calls on the First Minister and deputy First Minister to bring forward a strategic framework for a shared future delivering public sector reform to tackle the costs of division while building on good relations work already undertaken.
Ms Paula Bradshaw
Ms Connie Egan
Ms Kate Nicholl
Mr David Honeyford
Motion: Addressing NI Water Challenges
That this Assembly recognises the failure of existing water and waste infrastructure to meet current and future demand; further recognises that existing funding models have restricted NI Water's ability to meet commitments to maintain and develop services for residential and business needs; and calls on the Minister for Infrastructure to provide a detailed options paper on restructuring NI Water to include consideration of mutualisation.
Mr John Stewart
Mr Tom Elliott
Mr Mike Nesbitt
Dr Steve Aiken