Order Paper
Reference: OP 001/22-27
Date: 13 May 2022
Indicative Timings for the Order of Business
The Assembly to sit at noon.
1. Notice of Meeting
2. Undertaking and Roll of Membership
3. Speaker’s Business – concluding remarks
4. Election of Speaker and Deputy Speakers
5. Appointment of Business Committee
That the following shall be appointed to be Members of the Business Committee:
The Speaker (ex officio);
Mr Andy Allen;
Ms Paula Bradshaw;
Mr Keith Buchanan;
Ms Joanne Bunting;
Mr Mark Durkan;
Ms Sinéad Ennis;
Mr Colin McGrath;
Mr Andrew Muir;
Mr Pat Sheehan; and
Mr John Stewart.
The Speaker
6. Appointment of First Minister and deputy First Minister
7. Adjournment