Order Paper
Reference: OP 72/17-22
Date: 26 January 2021
Indicative timings for today's business
The Assembly to sit at 10.30am.
1. Prayers
2. Question Time
2.1 Education
3. Committee Business
Motion: Amend Standing Order 110
Leave out Standing Order 110(1) and insert:-
(1) Unless the Assembly previously resolves, Standing Orders 110-116 (‘the temporary provisions’) apply in the period from 31st March 2020 – 3rd July 2021.
Chairperson, Committee on Procedures
Motion: The Adverse Impact of the Pandemic on Access to Special Educational Needs Support for Vulnerable Children
That this Assembly takes note of the numerous stakeholder reports relating to the adverse impact of the pandemic on access to Special Educational Needs support for vulnerable children; calls on the Minister of Education to bring forward appropriate measures in order to ensure a minimum level of consistent access to Special Educational Needs supports for all vulnerable children; and further calls on the Minister to work with the Executive to provide the associated resources required to cover these services for all future pandemic-related disruptions to education.
Chairperson, Committee for Education
4. Adjournment