Order Paper

Reference: OP 41/17-22

Date: 15 September 2020

View the indicative timings for the order of business


The Assembly to sit at 10.30am.


1. Prayers


2. Question Time

2.1 Education

2.2 Finance


3. Private Members’ Business

Motion: Hardship Fund for Businesses Excluded from Existing COVID-19 Support Packages


That this Assembly is deeply concerned at the significant impact that the COVID-19 pandemic has had on the local economy; acknowledges the substantial financial support package put in place by the UK Government to support employers, employees and the self-employed; recognises that thousands of sole traders and micro-businesses in Northern Ireland have not been able to access financial support; and calls on the Minister for the Economy to establish a new fit for purpose business hardship fund targeted at those businesses that have so far been excluded from existing support packages.

Mr John Stewart
Dr Steve Aiken



Motion: Mental Health Crisis Support


That this Assembly recognises the importance of collaborative and well-resourced services which support those in mental health crisis across Northern Ireland; notes with concern a COVID-19 survey conducted by the Stress, Trauma and Research Conditions (STARC) laboratory at Queen’s University Belfast which found that one third of people locally met the criteria for depression; highlights the success of the Multi Agency Triage Team (MATT) partnership between the health and social care sector, the PSNI and the Northern Ireland Ambulance Service in providing on-the-spot mental health support to people in emotional crisis; and calls on the Minister of Health to commit urgently to the expansion and funding of this project to all Health and Social Care Trusts.

Mr Alex Easton
Ms Paula Bradley


4. Adjournment

  • Funding for the Crisis Intervention Service in Londonderry

Mr Gary Middleton