Order Paper

Reference: OP112-17/22

Date: 10 September 2021

View the indicative timings

The Assembly to sit at noon.

1. Prayers

2. Private Members' Business

Motion: Guidance to Schools on COVID-19


That this Assembly expresses its significant concern with increasing reports of pupil absences due to the COVID-19 situation in our schools; recognises that this situation has been worsened by the failure of the Minister of Education to develop clear and robust guidance for our school staff; notes the scale of the burden which this has placed on many of our principals and teachers; and calls on the Minister of Education to work urgently with the Public Health Agency to issue guidance which is cognisant of the unique circumstances of the school setting in the context of COVID-19.

Mr Pat Sheehan

Ms Nicola Brogan

Mr Colm Gildernew

Ms Sinéad Ennis

3. Adjournment