Order Paper
Reference: OP 55 - 17/22
Date: 09 November 2020
View the indicative timings for the Order of Business
The Assembly to sit at noon.
1. Prayers
2. Executive Committee Business
Further Consideration Stage: Budget (No. 3) Bill (NIA Bill 09/17-22)
Minister of Finance
Motion: The Health Protection (Coronavirus, Restrictions) (No. 2) (Amendment No. 8) Regulations (Northern Ireland) 2020
That the Health Protection (Coronavirus, Restrictions) (No. 2) (Amendment No. 8) Regulations (Northern Ireland) 2020 be approved.
The Executive Office
Motion: The Health Protection (Coronavirus, Restrictions) (No. 2) (Amendment No. 9) Regulations (Northern Ireland) 2020
That the Health Protection (Coronavirus, Restrictions) (No. 2) (Amendment No. 9) Regulations (Northern Ireland) 2020 be approved.
The Executive Office
Motion: The Health Protection (Coronavirus, Restrictions) (No. 2) (Amendment No. 10) Regulations (Northern Ireland) 2020
That the Health Protection (Coronavirus, Restrictions) (No. 2) (Amendment No. 10) Regulations (Northern Ireland) 2020 be approved.
The Executive Office
Motion: The Health Protection (Coronavirus, Wearing of Face Coverings) (Amendment No. 2) Regulations (Northern Ireland) 2020
That the Health Protection (Coronavirus, Wearing of Face Coverings) (Amendment No. 2) Regulations (Northern Ireland) 2020 be approved.
The Executive Office
3. Question Time
4. Private Members’ Business
Motion: Manufacturing Sector during the COVID-19 Pandemic
That this Assembly recognises the vital role played by our local manufacturing sector in sustaining and growing our economy; further recognises the huge pressures on our manufacturing sector during the COVID-19 pandemic; commends employers and workers in the manufacturing sector who continue to persevere in the most adverse of economic conditions with limited financial support; notes with concern the potential job losses in the manufacturing sector; calls on the Minister for the Economy to detail the short to medium-term support measures that will be put in place to support the manufacturing sector through the COVID-19 pandemic; and further calls on her to produce the long-overdue manufacturing strategy to help the long-term recovery of, and growth within, the sector.
Mr John Stewart
Dr Steve Aiken
Mr Robbie Butler