Order Paper

Reference: OP 53/17-22

Date: 02 November 2020

Indicative timings for the order of business


The Assembly to sit at noon.

1 Prayers


2. Assembly Business

Committee Membership


That Mr Jonathan Buckley replace Mr Alex Easton as a member of the Committee for Health; and that Mr Alex Easton replace Mr Jonathan Buckley as a member of the Committee for Communities.

Mr Keith Buchanan
Mr Gary Middleton


3. Executive Committee Business

Consideration Stage: Budget (No. 3) Bill (NIA Bill 09/17-22)

Minister of Finance


Legislative Consent Motion: Pension Schemes Bill


That this Assembly agrees, in line with section 87 of the Northern Ireland Act 1998, the principle of the extension to Northern Ireland of the provisions of the Pension Schemes Bill dealing with collective money purchase benefits, the Pensions Regulator, pensions dashboards and further provision relating to pension schemes as contained in Part 2 and clauses 117, 120 and 129 of, and Schedules 4 to 6, 8, 9 and 11 to, the Bill which was introduced in the House of Commons on 16 July 2020.

Minister for Communities


4. Question Time

4.1 The Executive Office

4.2 Justice

Questions for Urgent Oral Answer


5. Committee Business

Motion: Post-Primary Transfer Testing


That this Assembly takes note of the feedback to the Committee for Education's online survey into post-primary transfer testing; and calls on the Minister of Education to outline contingency plans for post-primary arrangements.

Chairperson, Committee for Education


6. Adjournment