Order Paper

Reference: OP 62 17/22

Date: 01 December 2020

The Assembly to sit at 10.30am.

Indicative Timings for the Order of Business


1.   Prayers

2.   Executive Committee Business

Motion: Accelerated Passage – The Harbours (Grants and Loans Limit) Bill (NIA Bill 12/17-22)


That the Harbours (Grants and Loans Limit) (NIA Bill 12/17-22) Bill proceed under the accelerated passage procedure.

Minister for Infrastructure


Second Stage: The Harbours Bill (Grants and Loans Limit) (NIA Bill 12/17-22)

Minister for Infrastructure


3.   Question Time

3.1     Infrastructure

3.2     Justice


4.   Private Members’ Business

Motion: Preparations for a COVID-19 Vaccine


That this Assembly welcomes the recent breakthrough in efforts to establish a safe and effective COVID-19 vaccine; highlights the importance of Northern Ireland retaining full access to the UK Government's supply network, including national distribution plans; stresses that this approach provides the best means of protecting the wider public as soon as possible; believes a professional expert should be appointed to lead on the vaccination programme in order to ensure it is available to frontline staff and those most vulnerable in Northern Ireland at the same time as the rest of the UK; and calls on the Minister of Health to outline a clear action plan for the roll-out, starting before the end of December 2020, of a COVID-19 vaccine in Northern Ireland.

Mrs Pam Cameron

Mr Jonathan Buckley

Ms Paula Bradley


5.   Adjournment