Order Paper
Reference: OP 30/17-22
Date: 23 June 2020
Indicative Timings for the Order of Business
Marshalled List of Amendments
The Assembly to sit at 10:30am.
1. Prayers
2. Executive Committee Business
Further Consideration Stage: Housing (Amendment) Bill (NIA 6/17-22)
Minister for Communities
Legislative Consent Motion: Air Traffic Management and Unmanned Aircraft Bill
That this Assembly agrees the extension to Northern Ireland of certain provisions within the Air Traffic Management and Unmanned Aircraft Bill relating to the interference with unmanned aircraft (drones) over places of detention.
Minister of Justice
Legislative Consent Motion: Domestic Abuse Bill
That this Assembly endorses the principle of the extension to Northern Ireland of the relevant provisions of the Domestic Abuse Bill, introduced in the House of Commons on 3 March 2020, relating to the provisions to extend the power of the courts in Northern Ireland to try in the home jurisdiction certain sexual and violent offences which have been committed abroad, so far as these matters fall within the legislative competence of the Assembly.
Minister of Justice
3. Question Time
4. Private Members’ Business
Motion: Mental Health and Wellbeing after COVID-19
That this Assembly recognises the importance of prioritising mental health and wellbeing as part of the COVID-19 recovery; notes that the long-term impact of the pandemic on working practices, everyday social interaction and hospital or care home visiting will present new and substantive challenges to individual mental wellbeing, especially among the most vulnerable; stresses, therefore, the need for refreshed and reformed mental health and wellbeing service provision that is fit for purpose; further notes, to this end, the transformative role played by community and voluntary providers whose services are subject to increasing demand; and calls on the Minister of Health to outline plans to tackle COVID-19-related mental illness moving forward.
Mrs Pam Cameron
Mr Alex Easton
5. Adjournment