Order Paper
Date: 26 September 2016
1. Prayers
2. Public Petition
Campaign against the harsh introduction of equal state pension requirements
Mr C McGrath
3. Question Time
3.1 Communities
3.1.1 Topical Questions
3.2 Economy
3.2.1 Topical Questions
4. Opposition Business
Motion: Public Confidence after NAMA Revelations
That this Assembly notes with deep concern the allegations made during the recent BBC Northern Ireland Spotlight broadcast on events surrounding the sale of National Asset Management Agency properties; supports the investigations and inquiries being undertaken by the National Crime Agency, the Republic of Ireland and other international bodies; further notes the ongoing damage being done to Northern Ireland’s international reputation, not least by the continuing failure of institutions here to examine the issue effectively; and calls on the First Minister and deputy First Minister to make a statement before the Assembly to restore the public confidence in these institutions and the inquiry that should be undertaken by the Committee for Finance.
Mr M Nesbitt
Mr R Swann
Mr P Smith
Motion: Rural Bank Closures
That this Assembly is extremely concerned at the number of bank branches that are being closed in rural areas; is alarmed that large rural areas are without access to a local bank branch; recognises the limitations of many of the alternatives, such as mobile and internet banking, and the Post Office; believes that the provision of accessible banking is an integral part of social inclusion, with a particular impact on the elderly; notes the negative economic impact bank closures have on small businesses and on future investment opportunities; and calls on the Minister for the Economy to intervene meaningfully and encourage the banking sector to maintain a strong network of rural bank branches and to safeguard the existing bank branches within these communities from closure.
Mr R McPhillips
Mr P McGlone
Mr D McCrossan
Mr C McGrath
Motion: Impact on Women of Changes to the State Pension
That this Assembly acknowledges the Women Against State Pension Inequality campaign; recognises its call for fair transitional state pension arrangements for women born in the 1950s who have been negatively impacted by changes made to the state pension age under the Pensions (Northern Ireland) Order 1995 and the Pensions Act 2011; accepts that the changes were poorly communicated; appreciates the impact of the changes on post-retirement planning; and calls on the United Kingdom Government to re-examine its position and bring forward fair transitional arrangements for the women affected.
Mr A Allen
Mrs R Barton
Mrs J Dobson
Mrs J Palmer
5. Adjournment