Order Paper
Reference: OP 40-16/21
Date: 24 January 2017
The Assembly to sit at 10.30am.
1. Prayers
2. Assembly Business
Motion: Assembly Commission Membership
That, in accordance with Standing Order 79(4), Mr Robin Swann be appointed to fill a vacancy on the Assembly Commission as of 23:59 on 25 January 2017.
Mrs S Overend
Mr M Nesbitt
Motion: Trustee of the Assembly Members' Pension Scheme
That Mr Roy Beggs be appointed to the Board of Trustees of the Assembly Members' Pension Scheme.
Mr R Swann
Mrs S Overend
3. Question Time
3.1 Communities
3.1.1 Topical Questions
3.2 Economy
3.2.1 Topical Questions
3.3 Urgent Oral Question
To ask the Minister of Health whether all children in Northern Ireland with Spinal Muscular Atrophy type one will be included in the potentially life changing Nusinersen drug trial.
Ms N Mallon
4. Private Members' Business
Motion: Cavity Insulation in Northern Ireland Housing Executive Properties
That this Assembly calls on the Minister for Communities to hold the Northern Ireland Housing Executive to account for its failure to address the lack of, or poor quality of, cavity insulation within many Housing Executive properties; and calls on the Housing Executive to formulate a plan of action to ensure that all its properties have adequate and proper cavity insulation.
Mr A Easton
Mr G Lyons
Motion: Review of Bail Policy in Cases of Terrorism and Murder
That this Assembly notes the recent failures in the criminal justice system to ensure that a man suspected of involvement in the murder of Prison Officer David Black abided by bail conditions; expresses concern at the granting of bail in this case, the low level of sureties required and the length of time taken by the PSNI to realise this individual had absconded; believes that terrorist suspects should remain in custody for as long as necessary to allow judicial proceedings to be completed; calls on the Minister of Justice to ensure that steps are taken to see that the suspect is returned to custody; and further calls on the Minister of Justice of take urgent steps to review bail policy in Northern Ireland, with particular regard to cases involving murder and terrorism.
Mr D Beattie
Mr R Beggs
Mrs S Overend
Motion: Independent Investigation of Alleged Breaches of the Ministerial Code
That this Assembly acknowledges that it is in the public interest for there to be openness, transparency and accountability in relation to the Northern Ireland Executive; recognises the important role that the Northern Ireland Assembly Commissioner for Standards plays in providing independent investigation of alleged breaches of the Assembly's Code of Conduct by back-bench Members; further recognises that the current lack of independent scrutiny of Executive Ministers benefits neither the public or the Ministers themselves; and calls on The Executive Office to bring forward urgently legislation to expand the role of the Northern Ireland Assembly Commissioner for Standards to allow him to investigate alleged breaches of the Ministerial Code of Conduct.
Mr S Agnew
Ms C Bailey
5. Adjournment
- Broadband Provision in Newry and Armagh
Mr D Kennedy