Order Paper
Date: 11 October 2016
1. Prayers
2. Question Time
2.1 Economy
2.1.1 Topical Questions
2.2 Education
2.2.1 Topical Questions
3. Private Members’ Business
Motion: Racial Equality Strategy
That this Assembly recognises the positive contribution that ethnic minorities make to our society; notes with concern an increase of 87 per cent in hate-related crime in the last four years; and calls on all Ministers to continue to give priority to implementing the Racial Equality Strategy and the Together: Building a United Community Strategy, and to providing the financial support to ensure that both of these strategies are supported and implemented.
Mr S Lynch
Ms C Archibald
Mr C Boylan
Mr P McGuigan
Motion: Healthier Lifestyles for Children
That this Assembly encourages school children to live a healthier lifestyle; acknowledges that following the introduction of a levy on drinks with a high sugar content, an estimated £18 million will be allocated from the Treasury to the Executive's budget in 2018; and calls on the Minister of Finance to ring-fence this money to fund an educational awareness and physical education programme in schools to benefit the long-term health of our children and to ease pressure on the Health Service.
Ms C Lockhart
Mr P Logan
Ms P Bradley
4. Adjournment
- Education Services in West Belfast
Ms J McCann