Order Paper

Date: 11 October 2016

The Assembly to sit at 10.30am.

Marshalled List of Amendments

Indicative Timings

1. Prayers

2. Question Time

2.1 Economy

2.1.1 Topical Questions

2.2 Education

2.2.1 Topical Questions

3. Private Members’ Business

Motion: Racial Equality Strategy


That this Assembly recognises the positive contribution that ethnic minorities make to our society; notes with concern an increase of 87 per cent in hate-related crime in the last four years; and calls on all Ministers to continue to give priority to implementing the Racial Equality Strategy and the Together: Building a United Community Strategy, and to providing the financial support to ensure that both of these strategies are supported and implemented.

Mr S Lynch
Ms C Archibald
Mr C Boylan
Mr P McGuigan

Motion: Healthier Lifestyles for Children


That this Assembly encourages school children to live a healthier lifestyle; acknowledges that following the introduction of a levy on drinks with a high sugar content, an estimated £18 million will be allocated from the Treasury to the Executive's budget in 2018; and calls on the Minister of Finance to ring-fence this money to fund an educational awareness and physical education programme in schools to benefit the long-term health of our children and to ease pressure on the Health Service.

Ms C Lockhart
Mr P Logan
Ms P Bradley

4. Adjournment

  • Education Services in West Belfast

Ms J McCann