Order Paper
Reference: OP 26/16-21
Date: 07 November 2016
The Assembly to sit at noon.
Indicative Timings for the Order of Business
1. Prayers
2. Question Time
2.1.1 Topical Questions
2.2 Agriculture, Environment and Rural Affairs
2.2.1 Topical Questions
2.3 Question for Urgent Oral Answer
To ask the Minister for the Economy to outline all conversations and communications he has had with the European Commission regarding the legality of the bail out of the United Airlines Belfast to Newark route prior to and after issuing Ministerial Direction.
[Ms S Bradley]
3. Private Members' Business
Motion: Review of On-Street Parking
That this Assembly believes that the mandatory £90 car parking fine should be reduced significantly; further believes that greater flexibility needs to be introduced to encourage trade across Northern Ireland by allowing for the first 30 minutes of parking to be free of charge across our towns and cities, and for on-street parking time limits to be extended in rural towns and villages; and calls upon the Minister for Infrastructure to review urgently the contract for on-street parking.
Mr E Poots
Mr W Humphrey
Mr G Robinson
Mr A Easton
Motion: Addressing the Past
That this Assembly believes in a victim-centred approach to addressing the past and that victims and survivors should have a meaningful input to the content and design of legacy proposals; further believes that justice, truth and accountability, acknowledgement and support for victims and survivors are essential elements in a comprehensive approach to the past; notes the comments by the Secretary of State for Northern Ireland on a public phase on legacy proposals; and calls on the British and Irish Governments for an urgent, renewed effort to conclude legacy issues including the further development of the proposed roles and powers of the Oral History Archive, Historical Investigations Unit, Independent Commission on Information Retrieval and the Implementation and Reconciliation Group and rejects any attempts by state, state agencies, illegal groups and others to evade justice, suppress the truth of and resist accountability for the past.
Mr C Eastwood
Mr A Attwood
Mr D McCrossan
Ms N Mallon
4. Adjournment