Order Paper

Reference: OP 4 - 16/21

Date: 06 June 2016

1. Prayers

2. Assembly Business

Motion: Suspension of Standing Order 20(1)


That Standing Order 20(1) be suspended for 06 June 2016.

Mr T Clarke
Ms C Ní Chuilín
Mr R Swann
Mr A Attwood
Mr S Dickson

3. Opposition Business

Motion: Manufacturing Strategy for Northern Ireland


That this Assembly calls on the Minister for the Economy to commission a manufacturing strategy for Northern Ireland.

Mr R Swann
Mr S Aiken

4. Executive Committee Business

Motion: Draft Programme for Government Framework 2016-2021


That this Assembly takes note of the Draft Programme for Government Framework 2016-21 as agreed by the Executive on 26 May 2016.

The Executive Office

5. Private Members Business

Motion: Illegal Drugs


That this Assembly acknowledges with grave concern the impact and extent of drug related incidents, crimes and fatalities in our communities; supports the ongoing work carried out by statutory services, the Public Health Agency and the voluntary and community sector; and calls on the Minister of Justice to work alongside the relevant bodies, to bring forward further measures to raise awareness, and to ensure that the criminal justice system is tough enough to deal robustly with those who are responsible for the menace of drugs on our streets.

Mr P Frew
Mrs P Cameron
Mr S Douglas

Motion: Protection of Woodburn Forest


That this Assembly notes with concern the application by Infrastrata to drill at Woodburn Forest, County Antrim; recognises the concerns of residents in County Antrim over drilling proposals at the forest; and calls on the Executive to ensure that such applications are not approved until assurances are secured against any negative potential impacts on water supply, the environment, tourism and local communities.

Mr O McMullan
Mr G Kelly

6. Adjournment