Order Paper
Date: 03 October 2016
The Assembly to sit at noon.
1. Prayers
2. Question Time
2.1.1 Topical Questionss
2.2 Agriculture, Environment and Rural Affairs
2.2.1 Topical Questions
3. Private Members’ Business
Motion: Scrambler and Quad Bikes
That this Assembly calls on the Executive to review the current legislation governing scrambler and quad bikes; and further calls on the PSNI and other responsible agencies to ensure that the current legislation governing these machines is enforced in a robust way.
Ms J McCann
Mr P Sheehan
Mr D Kearney
Motion: Epilepsy Service Provision
That this Assembly commends the work of the Assembly All Party Group on Epilepsy and the Northern Ireland Advisory Council of Epilepsy Action; and calls on the Minister of Health to establish a patient-led approach to epilepsy service provision, with particular emphasis on the protection and extension of epilepsy nurse specialists, and the creation of a database which will enable service provision to be directed towards the most used service areas for the benefit of the 20,000 people in Northern Ireland who live with epilepsy and their families, and to ensure the best use of resources.
Mr G Robinson
Ms P Bradley
4. Adjournment