Order Paper

Reference: OP 312 - 1116

Date: 30 November 2015

The Assembly to sit at noon.

Marshalled List of Amendments

Indicative Timings for the Order of Business

1. Prayers

2. Assembly Business

Motion: Suspension of Standing Orders 10(2) to 10(4)


That Standing Orders 10(2) to 10(4) be suspended for 30 November 2015.

Mr P Weir
Ms C Ruane
Mr P Ramsey
Mr R Swann
Mr S Dickson

Motion: Committee Membership


That Mr Danny Kennedy replace Mr Neil Somerville as a member of the Committee for Justice.

Mr R Swann
Mrs S Overend

Motion: Committee Membership


That Ms Claire Hanna replace Mr Colum Eastwood as a member of the Committee for the Environment.

Mr P Ramsey
Mrs K McKevitt

3. Executive Committee Business

Further Consideration Stage: Food Hygiene Rating Bill (NIA Bill 41/11-16)

Minister of Health, Social Services and Public Safety

4. Question Time

4.1 Education

4.1.1 Topical Questions

4.2 Employment and Learning

4.2.1 Topical Questions


To ask the Minister of Health, Social Services and Public Safety to outline the action he is taking to assist the residents and staff affected by the proposed closures of local Four Seasons care homes.

[Mr C Lyttle]

5. Committee Business

Further Consideration Stage: Public Services Ombudsperson Bill (NIA Bill 47/11-16)

Chairperson, Committee for the Office of the First Minister and deputy First Minister

Motion: Public Accounts Committee Reports and Memoranda of Reply


That this Assembly takes note of the following Public Accounts Committee Reports:

Report on Tackling Social Housing Tenancy Fraud in Northern Ireland (NIA 197/11-16)
Report on The Future Impact of Borrowing and Private Finance Commitments and Belfast Metropolitan College's Titanic Quarter PPP Project (NIA 202/11-16)
Report on Northern Ireland Courts and Tribunals Service Trust Statement for the year ended 31 March 2013 (NIA 215/11-16)
Report on Primary Care Prescribing (NIA 230/11-16)
Report on Managing and Protecting Funds Held in Court (NIA 246/11-16)
Report on the Cross-border Broadband Initiative: The Bytel project (NIA 253/11-16)

and the following Department of Finance and Personnel Memoranda of Reply:

Report on Tackling Social Housing Tenancy Fraud in Northern Ireland
Report on The Future Impact of Borrowing and Private Finance Commitments and Belfast Metropolitan College's Titanic Quarter PPP Project
Report on Northern Ireland Courts and Tribunals Service Trust Statement for the year ended 31 March 2013
Report on Primary Care Prescribing
Report on Managing and Protecting Funds Held in Court
Report on The Cross-border Broadband Initiative: The Bytel project

Chairperson, Public Accounts Committee

Motion: Climate Change Conference in Paris


That this Assembly notes that the 2015 United Nations Climate Change Conference is taking place in Paris from 30 November to 11 December; considers that this is an opportunity to agree an ambitious global plan to tackle the threat of climate change; welcomes the Minister of the Environment's attendance at this conference to represent Northern Ireland; further notes that the projected reduction of greenhouse gas emissions of 33.3 per cent by 2025, based on 1990 levels, falls just short of the Programme for Government target of 35 per cent; and calls on the Minister of the Environment to work with his Executive colleagues to increase existing efforts and consider innovative approaches to help reduce emissions and move to a low carbon economy.

Chairperson, Committee for the Environment

6. Adjournment