Order Paper

Date: 12 January 2016

The Assembly to sit at 10.30am.

Indicative Timings

1.    Prayers

2.    Assembly Business

Consideration of business not concluded on Monday 11 January 2016

Motion: Committee Membership


That the Social Democratic and Labour Party membership of Assembly Committees be changed in accordance with the proposals laid in the Assembly Business Office by the party on 11 January 2016.

Mrs K McKevitt
Mr A Maginness

3.    Executive Committee Business

Second Stage: Employment Bill (NIA Bill 73/11-16)

Minister for Employment and Learning

Consideration Stage: Credit Unions and Co-operative and Community Benefit Societies Bill (NIA Bill 56/11-16)

Minister of Enterprise, Trade and Investment

Further Consideration Stage: Water and Sewerage Services Bill (NIA Bill 51/11-16)

Minister for Regional Development

Final Stage: Road Traffic (Amendment) Bill (NIA Bill 35/11-16)

Minister of the Environment

4.    Question Time

4.1   Agriculture and Rural Development

4.1.1 Topical Questions

4.2   Culture, Arts and Leisure

4.2.1 Topical Questions

5.    Adjournment

  • Community and Alternative Education in West Belfast

Ms J McCann