Order Paper
Reference: OP 307/11-16
Date: 10 November 2015
The Assembly to sit at 10.30am.
Indicative Timings for the Order of Business
To ask the Minister of Health, Social Services and Public Safety why he chose to outline his policies on an issue as important as the outcome of the Donaldson Report at a conference in Ballymena rather than making an oral statement in the House.
1. Prayers
2. Executive Committee Business
Second Stage: Shared Education Bill (NIA Bill 66/11-16)
Minister of Education
3. Question Time
3.1 Enterprise, Trade and Investment
3.1.1 Topical Questions
3.2 Environment
3.2.1 Topical Questions
4. Private Members’ Business
Motion: Regional Economic Imbalance
That this Assembly expresses concern at the high levels of regional economic imbalance, as evidenced by high levels of long term unemployment and economic inactivity in North and West Belfast, west of the Bann and along the border corridor; welcomes the commitment in the Programme for Government 2011-2015 to address regional imbalance, and the establishment of the Ministerial Sub Group on Regional Opportunities; recognises the role that the availability of property, skills, appropriate infrastructure and telecommunications can play in making areas magnets of attraction for investment; acknowledges the desire of local government, political, community and business leaders in areas of high unemployment to work in partnership with government to attract greater investment and prosperity; and calls for the inclusion of sub-regional job creation targets in the next Programme for Government.
Mr P Flanagan
Ms M Fearon
Mr M Ă“ Muilleoir
Motion: Funding for Transport Infrastructure
That this Assembly, mindful of the transport infrastructure in the North West and conscious of the influence good transport infrastructure has in attracting new inward investment, asks that a special case be made to source the capital investment needed to complete the A5 cross-border project, the A6 dual carriageway, including the bypass for Dungiven, the final upgrade of the Belfast-Derry rail line that will ensure an hourly service, and the reopening of the Antrim-Portadown line to allow a direct service to Dublin.
Mr J Dallat
Mr M Durkan
Mr C Eastwood
Mr P Ramsey
5. Adjournment
- Care of older people in Mid Ulster
Mrs S Overend