Order Paper

Reference: OP 306/11-16

Date: 09 November 2015

The Assembly to sit at noon.

Indicative Timings for the Order of Business

1. Prayers

2. Public Petition

Autism Services

Mr F McKinney

3. Assembly Business

Motion: Committee Membership


That Mr Gary Middleton replace Mrs Emma Pengelly as a member of the Committee for Finance and Personnel; that Mr Gary Middleton replace Mr George Robinson as a member of the Committee for Health, Social Services and Public Safety; and that Mr George Robinson replace Mr Gary Middleton as a member of the Committee for the Environment.

Mr P Weir
Lord Morrow

4. Executive Committee Business

Second Stage: Housing (Amendment) Bill (NIA Bill 58/11-16)

Minister for Social Development

Second Stage: Houses in Multiple Occupation Bill (NIA Bill 60/11-16)

Minister for Social Development

5. Committee Business

Motion: Extension of Committee Stage – Assembly and Executive Reform (Assembly Opposition) Bill (NIA Bill 62/11-16)


That, in accordance with Standing Order 33(4), the period referred to in Standing Order 33(2) be extended to 26 January 2016, in relation to the Committee Stage of the Assembly and Executive Reform (Assembly Opposition) Bill (NIA Bill 62/11-16).

Chairperson, Assembly and Executive Review Committee

6. Question Time

6.1 Office of the First Minister and deputy First Minister

6.1.1 Topical Questions

6.2 Employment and Learning

6.2.1 Topical Questions

7. Private Members’ Business

Motion: Ballymurphy 1971


That this Assembly calls on the Secretary of State to join with the Irish Government in supporting the proposed investigation into the events in Ballymurphy in 1971, when eleven civilians were killed, to be conducted on the same basis as the Hillsborough Football Stadium investigation and jointly funded by the two Governments.

Mr T Lunn
Ms R McCorley
Mr A Maskey

8. Adjournment