Order Paper
Reference: OP 299 / 11-16
Date: 06 October 2015
2. Executive Committee Business
Second Stage: Credit Unions and Co-operative and Community Benefit Societies Bill (NIA Bill 56/11-16)
Minister of Enterprise, Trade and Investment
Further Consideration Stage: Insolvency (Amendment) Bill (NIA Bill 39/11-16)
Minister of Enterprise, Trade and Investment
3. Question Time
4. Private Members’ Business
Motion: Private Rental Sector
That this Assembly notes its concerns at the continued growth of the unregulated private rented sector which is the biggest provider of socially rented accommodation, a sector which receives tens of millions of pounds in housing benefit but still has little legislation or regulation; calls on the Minister for Social Development to review the role of the private sector in the provision of social rented accommodation to ensure it is fit for purpose; and further calls on the Minister for Social Development to introduce measures to regulate this sector.
Mr F McCann
Mr A Maskey
Motion: Autism
That this Assembly expresses concern over the waiting times for children for autism and Special Educational Needs assessments; notes that the Prevalence of Autism (including Asperger’s Syndrome) in School Age Children in Northern Ireland 2015 report, published in July 2015, shows that the estimated prevalence of autism has increased; recognises that delays in diagnosis are resulting in children with Special Educational Needs being denied access to the extra educational support they need; further notes the importance of early intervention for educational and social development for these children; and calls on the Minister of Health, Social Services and Public Safety to work collaboratively with the Minister of Education and his arm's-length bodies to invest fully in, and streamline services to deal with the backlog.
Mr F McKinney
Mr D Bradley
Ms C Hanna
Mr S Rogers
5. Adjournment
- Spatial Planning to Meet Demand for Housing in Carrickmore
Mr B McElduff