Order Paper

Reference: OP 206/11-15

Date: 29 April 2014

2. Question Time

2.1 Culture, Arts and Leisure

2.2 Education

3. Private Members’ Business

Motion: Giro d’Italia 2014


That this Assembly recognises that the Giro d’Italia is one of the biggest events in the international sporting calendar; warmly welcomes it to Northern Ireland; acknowledges the significance and magnitude of being chosen to host the Grande Partenza; understands the benefits to be obtained in terms of the economy, tourism, cultural exchange and education, promotion of a healthy lifestyle, and worldwide publicity for Northern Ireland; and calls on the Executive to take all necessary steps to maximise the potential to be gained through such a prestigious event.

Mr S Douglas
Mr P Weir

Motion: Marriage Equality


That this Assembly notes that other jurisdictions on these islands have moved forward with equal marriage rights for same-sex couples; believes that all couples, regardless of gender or sexual orientation, should have the same legal entitlement to marry and to the protections, rights, obligations and benefits afforded by the legal institution of marriage; supports freedom of religion by allowing religious institutions to define, observe and practise marriage according to their beliefs, granting them the freedom whether or not to conduct same-sex marriages; calls on the Minister of Finance and Personnel to introduce legislation to guarantee that couples of any sex or gender identity receive equal benefit; and further calls on the First Minister and deputy First Minister to ensure that all legislation adheres to the Executive’s commitments to protect equality for all.

Ms C Ruane
Ms B McGahan
Ms M Fearon

4. Adjournment

  • Establishment of Minor Injuries Unit at Downe Hospital

Mr C Hazzard