Order Paper

Reference: OP 205/11-15

Date: 28 April 2014

The Assembly to sit at noon.

Indicative Timings for the Order of Business

1. Prayers

2. Question Time

2.1 Office of the First Minister and deputy First Minister

2.2 Agriculture and Rural Development

3. Private Members’ Business

Motion: Praxis Care


That this Assembly acknowledges and commends the work carried out by Praxis Care; asserts that the transfer of the publicly-owned assets at Hillsborough Castle should be conditional on securing the future of Praxis at this location; and calls on the Secretary of State to explore all possible avenues to ensure that the employment provided and the work carried out by Praxis at Hillsborough Castle remain on site.

Ms J McCann
Mr M Brady

Motion: Mental Health


That this Assembly believes that mental health should be taken as seriously as physical health; urges the Executive to take action to end stigma against mental health; further believes that psychological therapies should be at the heart of the mental health services agenda; and calls for the current underfunding of child and adolescent mental health services to be addressed.

Mr K McCarthy
Mr C Lyttle
Mr T Lunn

4. Adjournment