Order Paper
Reference: OP 166/11-15
Date: 22 October 2013
2. Executive Committee Business
Legislative Consent Motion: Energy Bill (Decarbonisation Provisions)
That this Assembly endorses the principle of the extension to Northern Ireland of the provisions of the Energy Bill dealing with Power Sector Decarbonisation, as contained in Part 1 of the Energy Bill, as amended at Committee Stage in the House of Lords.
Minister of Enterprise, Trade and Investment
3. Question Time
3.2 Agriculture and Rural Development
4. Private Members’ Business
Motion: The Use of the Social Investment Model in Tackling Social Issues
That this Assembly notes the growing use of the social investment model to tackle a variety of long-standing and extensive social issues; recognises its value in pioneering new approaches and techniques that produce better results for people, shifting risk away from the public sector and only paying on results; and calls on the Minister of Finance and Personnel to examine how such a model could be applied to contracts to help tackle a range of social issues.
Mr P Girvan
Mr P Weir
Mr P Frew
Mr G Dunne
Motion: Review of the North South Implementation Bodies and Areas for Co-operation
That this Assembly notes the Review of the North South Implementation Bodies and Areas for Co-operation that has been ongoing since 2007; expresses its disappointment and frustration that the Review has not concluded its work more than six years after it started; believes that the expansion of areas of co-operation and implementation across economic, social, educational, health, environmental and other areas serves the interests of the people of the island of Ireland; further notes that the July 2013 North South Ministerial Council agreed that the Review recommendations should be presented to its December 2013 meeting; and urges that there is no further slippage in concluding the Review and that its recommendations are actioned urgently.
Mr A Attwood
Dr A McDonnell
Mrs D Kelly
5. Adjournment
- Future of Armagh Gaol
Mr D Bradley