Order Paper
Reference: OP 172/11-15
Date: 19 November 2013
2. Question Time
2.1 Justice
2.2 Social Development
2.3 Assembly Commission
3. Private Members’ Business
Motion: Effective Delivery of Major Infrastructure Work
That this Assembly calls on the Executive to take all necessary steps to create an effective delivery pipeline of major infrastructure work to alleviate the current economic and social difficulties being faced across the community.
Mr P McGlone
Mr P Frew
Mr B McElduff
Mr D Kinahan
Motion: Support and Investment for the Higher Education Sector
That this Assembly acknowledges the key role of higher education in growing the local economy and helping to realise the Programme for Government’s cross-cutting priorities in health, social development, agri-food, education and skills, and research and innovation; and calls on the Executive to affirm its commitment to supporting and investing in the local higher education sector.
Mr P Ramsey
Mr A Ross
Mr S Agnew
Mr B McCrea
Ms B McGahan
Mr R Swann
Motion: BBC/RTE Documentary on ‘The Disappeared’
That this Assembly notes the recent BBC/RTE documentary on ‘The Disappeared’ which outlined the harrowing practice of republican terrorists in abducting, killing and secretly burying people; further notes with extreme concern allegations of the involvement of the President of Sinn Fein, Gerry Adams TD, in the murder of one of these people, namely Jean McConville; stands firmly with the families of the Disappeared who have suffered greatly as a result of the actions of republican terrorists; recognises the work of the Independent Commission for the Location of Victims' Remains (ICLVR) in providing a mechanism whereby information can be obtained; and calls on all those with information to co-operate fully with the latest appeal from the ICLVR in the aftermath of this programme in order to bring some level of comfort to the families.
Mr M Nesbitt
Mr T Elliott
4. Adjournment
- 50th Anniversary of the death of C.S. Lewis
Mr S Douglas