Order Paper
Reference: OP 156/11-15
Date: 17 September 2013
The Assembly to sit at 10.30am.
Indicative timings for the Order of Business
1. Prayers
2. Question Time
2.1 Employment and Learning
2.2 Health, Social Services and Public Safety
3. Committee Business
Motion: Regional Library for Northern Ireland
That this Assembly recognises the economic, cultural, social and educational benefits that a regional library for Northern Ireland would provide; and urges the Minister of Culture, Arts and Leisure to engage with Executive colleagues and other partners to pursue Belfast Central Library's redevelopment plan to create a regional library as part of the overall 'Library Square' project.
Chairperson, Committee for Culture, Arts and Leisure
4. Private Members' Business
Motion: Day of Recognition for the Emergency Services
That this Assembly recognises the valuable and life-saving work of the emergency services; and calls on the Minister of Health, Social Services and Public Safety and the Minister of Culture, Arts and Leisure, to set aside an annual day of recognition, beginning with Michaelmas Day on 29th September 2013, in order to create a lasting legacy of the World Police and Fire Games 2013.
Mrs K McKevitt
Mr D Bradley
5. Adjournment
University of Ulster expansion at Magee
Ms M McLaughlin