Order Paper
Reference: OP 164/11-15
Date: 15 October 2013
2. Question Time
2.2 Enterprise, Trade and Investment
3. Private Members’ Business
Motion: Prison Review Reports
That this Assembly notes with concern the findings contained in the Criminal Justice Inspection's Reports on Hydebank Wood Prison and Young Offenders Centre; notes that the Owers review highlighted most of the issues raised in these Reports; and calls on the Minister of Justice to take the necessary steps to ensure that the Prison Reform Programme is progressed in the manner envisaged by the Prison Review Team's report.
Mr R McCartney
Ms R McCorley
Mr S Lynch
Motion: National Crime Agency
That this Assembly recognises the concerns raised by the Chief Constable, that failure to establish the National Crime Agency (NCA) in Northern Ireland will impact on the PSNI's ability to protect life under Article 2 of the Human Rights Act 1998 and to tackle serious crime, such as drug trafficking and human trafficking; and will work to ensure that no further delays are allowed to impact on the work of the NCA being extended to Northern Ireland.
Mr D McIlveen
Mr W Humphrey
Mr A Ross
Mr J Wells
4. Adjournment
- Response policing in Larne
Mr R Beggs