Order Paper

Reference: OP 154/11-15

Date: 10 September 2013

The Assembly to sit at 10.30am.

Indicative Timings for the Order of Business

Marshalled List of Amendments

1. Prayers
2. Public Petition

Pinewood Residential Care Home

Mr P Frew

3. Question Time

3.1 Agriculture and Rural Development
3.2 Culture, Arts and Leisure

4. Private Members' Business

Motion: Promotion of Equality and Reconciliation


That this Assembly notes with grave concern the violence and disorder over the summer months; deplores the activities of all those who engaged in acts of violence against local communities, elected representatives, and the PSNI; affirms the commitment of all elected representatives to promote a culture of tolerance and reconciliation and to act in a way which promotes mutual respect rather than division; and to work constructively to find long term and sustainable solutions to contentious political issues in the best interests of the communities we serve.

Mr G Kelly
Ms Ní Chuilín
Mr A Maskey

Motion: Compensation Policy


That this Assembly rejects the shift in compensation policy that led to a substantial award following the death of a Real IRA member at the hands of the same organisation; recognises that the change in policy is a significant break from past practice and inconsistent with previous treatment of victims of terrorism and crime; and calls upon the Minister of Justice to intervene immediately to prevent this payment.

Mrs A Foster
Mr P Givan
Mr J Craig

5. Adjournment

The state of the road infrastructure, Beechfield and Ashfield Estates, Donaghadee

Mr A Easton