Order Paper

Reference: OP 153/11-15

Date: 09 September 2013

The Assembly to sit at noon.

Marshalled List of Amendments

Indicative Timings for the Order of Business


Tribute to Seamus Heaney

The birth of HRH Prince George


1. Prayers
2. Assembly Business

Motion: Committee Membership


That Mr Jim Allister replace Mr David McClarty as a member of the Committee for Social Development; and that Mr David McClarty replace Mr Jim Allister as a member of the Committee for Employment and Learning.

Mr P Ramsey
Mr R Swann

3. Question Time

3.1 Regional Development
3.2 Social Development

4. Committee Business

Motion: Plant Health and Tree Disease


That this Assembly notes the recent increase in instances of tree disease; and calls on the Minister of Agriculture and Rural Development to address the issues as detailed in the Committee for Agriculture and Rural Development position paper on Plant Health and Tree Disease.

Chairperson, Committee for Agriculture and Rural Development

5. Private Members' Business

Motion: Support for the terms of the Ministerial Pledge of Office and the Code of Conduct for Members


That this Assembly confirms its continued support for the terms of the Ministerial Pledge of Office, in particular, the commitment to non-violence and exclusively peaceful and democratic means; further confirms its commitment to the principles of personal conduct contained in the Code of Conduct for Members of the Northern Ireland Assembly, in particular, the requirement to promote good relations; rejects the comments of Gerry Kelly MLA at the Castlederg IRA memorial event that will give succour to dissident republican groups and help indoctrinate a new generation down the path of violence; and condemns the use of terrorist violence in the present day, and the past.

Mr T Buchanan
Mr N McCausland
Lord Morrow

6. Adjournment