Order Paper
Reference: OP 162/11-15
Date: 08 October 2013
2. Public Petition
Establishment of Cross-Border Area Learning Community to Provide Post-Primary Education in North & West Fermanagh.
Mr P Flanagan
3. Question Time
3.2 Health, Social Services and Public Safety
4. Private Members’ Business
Motion: The ‘Undocumented’ and Immigration Reform in the United States
That this Assembly acknowledges the large number of people who have emigrated from across the island of Ireland to make a new life in America; notes the positive influence that Irish and Scots-Irish immigrants have had on the political, social, cultural and economic success of the United States of America; further notes with deep concern the continuing hardships endured by the ‘undocumented’ in America; welcomes the bipartisan approach taken by American politicians to deal with the issue of immigration reform; and supports the call for the introduction of legislation to deal with immigration reform, including a pathway to citizenship for the ‘undocumented’.
Mr P Flanagan
Mr C Boylan
Mr B McElduff
Motion: Privatisation of Royal Mail
That this Assembly considers Royal Mail to be a vital public service; notes with concern the added costs to Northern Ireland businesses and consumers if the universal service obligation and uniform pricing are withdrawn as a result of privatisation, which could result in reductions in the wages of the lowest paid workers and other multiple negative impacts on prices, services and standards, including the future provision of rural postal services critical for isolated communities, the elderly and other rural dwellers; and calls on the Coalition Government to abandon its proposals.
Mr A Attwood
Mr S Agnew
Mr J Dallat
Mr P McGlone