Order Paper
Reference: OP 161/11-15
Date: 07 October 2013
The Assembly to sit at noon.
1. Prayers
2. Assembly Business
Motion: Committee Membership
That Mr Alex Attwood replace Mr Colum Eastwood as a member of the Committee for the Office of the First Minister and deputy First Minister; that Mr Fearghal McKinney replace Mr Alban Maginness as a member of the Committee for Enterprise, Trade and Investment; that Mr Alban Maginness replace Mrs Dolores Kelly as a member of the Committee for the Environment; that Mr Joe Byrne replace Mrs Dolores Kelly as a member of the Committee for Regional Development; and that Mr Alex Attwood be appointed as a member of the Assembly and Executive Review Committee.
Mr P Ramsey
Mrs K McKevitt
3. Committee Business
Motion: Extension of Committee Stage: The Health and Social Care (Amendment) Bill (NIA Bill 27/11-15)
That, in accordance with Standing Order 33(4), the period referred to in Standing Order 33(2) be extended to 11 December 2013, in relation to the Committee Stage of the Health and Social Care (Amendment) Bill (NIA Bill 27/11-15).
Chairperson, Committee for Health, Social Services and Public Safety
4. Question Time
4.2 Education
5. Private Members’ Business
Motion: Town Centre Strategy
That this Assembly expresses its concern over the ongoing pressures on small businesses, in particular, those in the retail sector; notes the current and forthcoming policies and programmes in relation to business rates, planning, Business Improvement Districts, public transport, the development of shared space and urban regeneration; and calls on the Minister for Social Development to produce an overarching strategy for town centres, high streets and urban villages to ensure the effective co-ordination of the current and future initiatives.
Ms J Cochrane
Mr S Dickson
Mr K McCarthy
Motion: Practices of Car Parking Companies
That this Assembly expresses its concern over the practices of some car parking companies and how they operate; questions the adequacy of signage both on parking times and penalties, as well as the quantum, nature, content and design of penalty demands, the threat of legal action and the absence of appeals mechanisms; believes that we need a more robust code of practice for enforcement and more effective regulation by the British Parking Association; and calls on the Minister of the Environment to meet with the Secretary of State for Transport to outline these concerns.
Mr P Frew
Ms P Brown
Mr P Weir