Order Paper

Reference: OP 207/11-15

Date: 06 May 2014

The Assembly to sit at 10.30am.

Marshalled List of Amendments

Indicative Timings for Order of Business

1.    Prayers

2.    Question Time

2.1  Employment and Learning

2.2  Enterprise, Trade and Investment

3.    Private Members’ Business

Motion: Funding for Cancer Drugs


That this Assembly notes with concern the difficulties faced by patients obtaining funding for cancer drugs; further notes with concern the varying policy positions throughout the UK and Ireland regarding the accessibility of cancer drugs; and calls on the Minister of Health, Social Services and Public Safety to undertake a review into the practices in Northern Ireland to provide greater clarity for patients trying to obtain funding for cancer drugs.

Mr D McIlveen
Mr J Wells
Mrs P Cameron
Mr G Dunne

Motion: Underachievement of Protestant Working Class Boys


That this Assembly notes the issues raised in the report produced by the Community Relations Council regarding the underachievement at GCSE of Protestant working class boys in receipt of free school meals; notes with concern that this reinforces the conclusions of other similar reports over a number of years; further notes the positive action which the Minister of Education has taken to support other ethnic and minority groups who are underachieving; and calls on the Minister of Education to outline the specific steps his Department is taking to redress this situation and establish a meaningful sectoral body for the controlled sector to enable it to address this issue in the same manner as the Council for Catholic Maintained Schools which has been able to tackle underachievement in the maintained sector.

Mr M Storey
Mr J Craig
Mr S Moutray
Mr R Newton

4.    Adjournment

  • Pre-school provision in East Belfast

Mrs J Cochrane