Order Paper

Reference: OP 213/11-15

Date: 03 June 2014

The Assembly to sit at 10.30am.

Marshalled List of Amendments

Indicative Timings for Order of Business

1. Prayers

2. Executive Committee Business

Motion: Land Registry (Fees) Order (Northern Ireland) 2014


That the Land Registry (Fees) Order (Northern Ireland) 2014 be affirmed.

Minister of Finance and Personnel

3. Question Time

3.1 Enterprise, Trade and Investment

3.2 Environment

4. Private Members’ Business

Motion: Transforming Your Care Implementation


That this Assembly recognises the considerable public concern at the pressures on Emergency Departments and GP waiting times which have arisen during the period of the Transforming Your Care change agenda; notes with concern that the implementation of Transforming Your Care has not been fully assessed; and calls on the Minister of Health, Social Services and Public Safety to review and measure the implementation of Transforming Your Care to assess its effect on patient outcomes.

Mr F McKinney
Mrs D Kelly

Motion: Racial Attacks


That this Assembly condemns the recent racial attacks and firmly opposes racism, discrimination and intolerance of any kind, wherever it occurs; embraces the growing diversity within our society; emphasises that there is no room for racism or stigmatisation; and calls on all political parties to provide leadership on this issue.

Ms B McGahan
Ms M Fearon
Mr A Maskey

5. Adjournment

  • Invest NI's business park and job creation in the Strabane district.

Ms M Boyle