Order Paper
Reference: NIA 160/11-15
Date: 01 October 2013
The Assembly to sit at 10.30am.
Indicative Timings for the Order of Business
1. Prayers
2. Assembly Business
Motion: Committee Membership
That Mr Kieran McCarthy replace Mr Stewart Dickson as a member of the Committee for Regional Development; that Mr Stewart Dickson replace Mrs Judith Cochrane as a member of the Committee for Social Development; that Mr Trevor Lunn replace Mr Kieran McCarthy as a member of the Committee for Agriculture and Rural Development; that Mr Trevor Lunn replace Mr Stewart Dickson as a member of the Assembly and Executive Review Committee; and that Mr Kieran McCarthy replace Mr Chris Lyttle as a member of the Committee on Procedures.
Mr S Dickson
3. Executive Committee Business
Second Stage: Local Government Bill
Minister of the Environment
4. Question Time
3.2 Agriculture and Rural Development