Order Paper

Reference: OP 140/11-15

Date: 28 May 2013

Marshalled List of Amendments

The Assembly to sit at 10.30am.
1. Prayers

2. Public Petition

Call for a replacement Fire Station in Cushendall

Mr O McMullan

3. Committee Business

Extension of Committee Stage: Tobacco Retailers Bill (NIA 19/11-15)

That, in accordance with Standing Order 33(4), the period referred to in Standing Order 33(2) be extended to 18 October 2013, in relation to the Committee Stage of the Tobacco Retailers Bill (NIA 19/11-15).

Chairperson, Committee for Health, Social Services and Public Safety

4. Question Time

4.1 Social Development

4.2 Agriculture and Rural Development

4.3 Culture, Arts and Leisure

4.4 Education

5. Private Members’ Business

Motion: Epilepsy Service Provision

That this Assembly calls for the provision of services of the highest quality for people diagnosed with epilepsy, including frequent reviews of their treatment and condition; acknowledges the rights of young people with epilepsy to a first appointment with a specialist within a reasonable time of their diagnosis; and calls on the Minister of Health, Social Services and Public Safety to ensure that epilepsy services here are equivalent to those in the rest of the UK.

Mr G Robinson
Ms P Bradley
Ms P Brown
Mr G Dunne

Motion: Transforming Your Care Review

That this Assembly expresses concern that the implementation of the ‘Transforming Your Care’ review of health and social care, commissioned by the Minister of Health, Social Services and Public Safety, has enabled Health and Social Care Trusts to take decisions on the closure of care homes; is concerned by the detrimental impact which the privatisation of many aspects of health and social care will have on vulnerable people; urges the Minister to ensure that the patient, and not profit, is put at the centre of care provision by the Health and Social Care Board; and calls on the Minister to introduce legislation to protect services from privatisation by stealth.

Mr C McDevitt
Mr M Durkan
Mr P Ramsey

6. Adjournment                                                                  

  • Post-Primary Education in East Belfast

Mr R Newton