Order Paper
Reference: OP 112/11-15
Date: 28 January 2013
The Assembly to sit at noon.
Indicative Timings for Order of Business
Question for Urgent Oral Answer
1. Prayers
2. Assembly Business
Motion: Committee Membership
That Mr Alastair Ross replace Mr George Robinson as a member of the Committee for Employment and Learning.
Mr P Weir
Lord Morrow
3. Committee Business
Motion: Extension of Committee Stage: Welfare Reform Bill (NIA 13/11-15)
That, in accordance with Standing Order 33(4), the period referred to in Standing Order 33(2) be extended to 19 February 2013 in relation to the Committee Stage of the Welfare Reform Bill (NIA 13/11-15).
Chairperson, Committee for Social Development
4. Question Time
4.1 Office of the First Minister and deputy First Minister
4.2 Education
5. Private Members’ Business
Motion: Programme For Government: Commitments to Tackle Social Disadvantage
That this Assembly calls on the Minister for Social Development to outline what steps his Department is taking to deliver on the commitments relating to tackling social disadvantage contained in the Programme for Government, which the Department for Social Development is responsible for delivering.
Mr A Maskey
Mr M Brady
Mr F McCann
Motion: Review of Public Administration
That this Assembly acknowledges the significant workload and substantial costs involved in the delivery of the Executive's Local Government reform transition as proposed under the Review of Public Administration; believes that the Executive should provide financial support for the reform process, including for future rates convergence; and calls on the Executive to provide financial support to councils to cover the upfront costs of RPA, which yield no short term savings, and to ensure that these costs do not result in rate increases.
Mrs D Kelly
Mr C Eastwood