Order Paper
Reference: OP 86/11-15
Date: 24 September 2012
2. Assembly Business
Motion: Exclusion of Minister from Office under section 30 of the Northern Ireland Act 1998
That this Assembly, in accordance with section 30 of the Northern Ireland Act 1998, resolves that the Minister for Social Development no longer enjoys the confidence of the Assembly and that he be excluded from holding office as a Minister or junior Minister for a period of three months because he failed to observe the terms of paragraphs (cd) and (g) of the pledge of office and the sixth paragraph of the Ministerial Code of Conduct, in that he failed to promote good community relations and did not condemn actions which were contrary to the rule of law in his public response on 25th August 2012 to the sectarian behaviour of the Young Conway Volunteers flute band on 12th July 2012 and their illegal violations of a Parades Commission determination.
Dr A McDonnell
Ms C Ruane
Mrs D Kelly
Mr R McCartney
3. Executive Committee Business
Motion: Draft Landlord Registration Scheme Regulations (Northern Ireland) 2012
That the Draft Landlord Registration Scheme Regulations (Northern Ireland) 2012 be approved.
Minister for Social Development
Motion: Draft Tenancy Deposit Schemes Regulations (Northern Ireland) 2012
That the Draft Tenancy Deposit Schemes Regulations (Northern Ireland) 2012 be approved.
Minister for Social Development
4. Committee Business
Motion: Extension of Committee Stage: Criminal Justice Bill (NIA 10/11-15)
That, in accordance with Standing Order 33(4), the period referred to in Standing Order 33(2) be extended to 14 December 2012, in relation to the Committee Stage of the Criminal Justice Bill (NIA Bill 10/11-15).
Chairperson, Committee for Justice
5. Question Time
5.1 Agriculture and Rural Development
5.2 Culture, Arts and Leisure
6. Private Members’ Business
Motion: Payment of Housing Benefit
That this Assembly calls on the Minister for Social Development to retain the direct payment of Housing Benefit to social landlords, following the anticipated introduction of Universal Credit, to avoid rent defaults and potential homelessness.
Mr M Durkan
Mr P McGlone
Motion: Animal Cruelty
That this Assembly calls on the Minister of Agriculture and Rural Development to extend the sentences available for deliberate and severe animal cruelty to include longer periods of imprisonment to ensure that perpetrators receive a punishment that fits the crime.
Mr G Robinson
Mr T Buchanan
Ms P Bradley
Mr J Wells