Order Paper

Reference: OP 132/11-15

Date: 23 April 2013

The Assembly to sit at 10.30am.

Indicative Timings for the Order of Business

1. Prayers

2. Executive Committee Business

Second Stage: Tobacco Retailers Bill (NIA 19/11-15)

Minister of Health, Social Services and Public Safety

3. Question Time

3.1 Enterprise, Trade and Investment
3.2 Finance and Personnel

4. Private Members' Business

Motion: Economic Initiatives and Sustainable Employment

That this Assembly calls on the Executive to target resources towards economic initiatives and sustainable employment to ensure a reduction in the numbers of young people, apprentices, graduates and skilled workers who are emigrating to seek employment opportunities elsewhere.

Mr C Boylan
Mr M McLaughlin
Mr B McElduff

5. Adjournment

Opening of the Sexual Assault Referral Centre at Antrim Area Hospital

Ms P Brown