Order Paper
Reference: OP 139/11-15
Date: 21 May 2013
2. Executive Committee Business
Final Stage: Marine Bill (NIA 5/11-15)
Minister of the Environment
3. Question Time
3.1 Justice
3.2 Regional Development
4. Private Members’ Business
Motion: Announcement on a Shared Future
That this Assembly notes that the development of a shared future and building a strong economy are inextricably linked; further notes the statement from the First Minister and deputy First Minister entitled Together: Building a United Community; calls for the individual projects announced to be subject to public consultation, where appropriate; and stresses the importance of the Executive developing a comprehensive shared future strategy which includes a clear vision, action plan, targets, budgeting and delivery mechanisms, and which addresses issues such as integrated education, mixed housing, shared space, the regulation of the flying of flags, parades and dealing with the past.
Mr C Lyttle
Mr T Lunn
Mr S Dickson
Motion: Fall in Farm Incomes
That this Assembly notes the recent publication of the Statistical Review of Northern Ireland Agriculture 2012 and Farm Incomes in Northern Ireland 2011/12; expresses significant concern about the collapse in the Total Income From Farming (TIFF) which fell by 50.6 per cent, 52.2 per cent in real terms, to £143 million compared to £290 million in 2011; notes that farmers have experienced an exceptionally difficult 12 months, due to a multitude of aggravating circumstances; and therefore calls upon the Minister of Agriculture and Rural Development to detail the actions she has taken to alleviate the pressures which are faced by farmers and their families which are within her control.
Mrs J Dobson
Mr R Swann
5. Adjournment
- Whitemountain Quarry Hazardous Waste Transfer Site, West Belfast
Ms R McCorley