Order Paper

Reference: OP 100/11-15

Date: 19 November 2012

2. Assembly Business

Motion: Suspend Standing Orders


That Standing Orders 10(2) to 10(4) be suspended for 19 November 2012.

Mr P Weir
Ms C Ruane
Mr R Swann
Mr P Ramsey
Mr S Dickson

3. Executive Committee Business

Final Stage: Superannuation Bill (NIA 6/11-15)

Minister of Finance and Personnel

4. Committee Business

Motion: Report on complaints against Mr Jim Wells MLA


That this Assembly, in consideration of the report of the Committee on Standards and Privileges (NIA 71/11-15), imposes upon Mr Jim Wells MLA the sanction of exclusion from proceedings of the Assembly for a period of seven days beginning on the day after the resolution.

Deputy Chairperson, Committee on Standards and Privileges

Motion: Ad Hoc Committee on Conformity with Equality Requirements - Welfare Reform Bill


That, in accordance with Standing Order 35(10)(a) and (b)(i), the Welfare Reform Bill be referred to an Ad Hoc Committee on Conformity with Equality Requirements; and that the Ad Hoc Committee shall consider and report only whether the provisions of the Bill are in conformity with the requirements for equality and observance of human rights.

Chairperson, Committee for Social Development

5. Assembly Business

Motion: Establishment of an Ad Hoc Committee on Conformity with Equality Requirements - Welfare Reform Bill


That, as provided for in Standing Orders 53(1) and 60(1), this Assembly establishes an ad hoc committee to consider and report on whether the provisions of the Welfare Reform Bill are in conformity with the requirements for equality and observance of human rights.


DUP - 4
Sinn Féin - 3
UUP - 2
SDLP - 1
Alliance - 1

Quorum: The quorum shall be five members.

Procedure: The procedures of the Committee shall be such as the Committee shall determine.

Mr P Weir
Ms C Ruane
Mr R Swann
Mr P Ramsey
Mr S Dickson

6. Question Time

6.1 Regional Development

6.2 Employment and Learning

7. Private Members’ Business

Motion: Child Poverty Action Plan


That this Assembly takes account of the recently published Annual Child Poverty Report; notes that the Office of the First Minister and deputy First Minister is falling far short of the targets contained within the Child Poverty Act; and calls on the First Minister and deputy First Minister to publish an action plan for the Child Poverty Strategy.

Mr M Nesbitt
Mr D Kinahan

Motion: Concern about the Consultation on Cross Border Education


That this Assembly notes, with concern, the consultation on cross border education; recognises that there are circumstances in which parents living close to the border may wish to send their children to a school in the neighbouring jurisdiction; further notes that this only happens in a small minority of cases; expresses concern that this consultation, on an issue of potentially significant consequence for the future of education, was confined to a narrow geographical area; and calls on the Minister of Education to reflect on his priorities and address the outstanding issues which he is already facing such as, area planning, finding an equitable solution on selection and tackling educational inequality. 

Mr D Kinahan
Mrs J Dobson            

Motion: Reform of Employment Law


That this Assembly recognises that the national Government has undertaken a review of employment law to reduce the regulatory burden on businesses; and urges the Minister for Employment and Learning to ensure that Northern Ireland does not fall behind the rest of the UK in terms of reforms.

Mr A Ross
Mr P Weir

8. Adjournment