Order Paper
Reference: OP 85/11-15
Date: 18 September 2012
2. Question Time
2.1 Justice
2.2 Social Development
3. Committee Business
(a) Motion: Amend Standing Order 49A
After Standing Order 49A insert –
‘49B. Changes to Statutory Committees
(1) This order applies where all Northern Ireland Ministers cease to hold office as a consequence of the application of section 18(1) of the Northern Ireland Act 1998, for example, where a new department is established or an existing one dissolved.
(2) All statutory committees shall be dissolved.
(3) After all Ministerial offices are subsequently filled, the procedures referred to in paragraph for constituting statutory committees shall be run as they are run following the election of the Assembly.
(4) Those procedures are the procedures set out in Standing Orders for –
(a) determining the number of statutory committees;
(b) establishing them;
(c) appointing chairpersons and deputy chairpersons to them; and
(d) allocating seats on them.’
Chairperson, Committee on Procedures
(b) Motion: Amend Standing Order 57(1)
Leave out Standing Order 57(1)(c) and insert –
‘to consider any matter relating to the conduct of members;’
Leave out Standing Order 57(1)(e).
In Standing Order 57(1)(f) leave out ‘Standing Orders 69B and 69C’ and insert –
‘Standing Orders 69A to 69C’.
Chairperson, Committee on Procedures
(c) Motion: Amend Standing Order 69A
Leave out Standing Order 69A and insert –
‘Northern Ireland Assembly Commissioner for Standards
(1) This order supplements Part 2 of the Assembly Members (Independent Financial Review and Standards) Act (Northern Ireland) 2011.
(2) In these Standing Orders “the Commissioner” means the Northern Ireland Assembly Commissioner for Standards established by section 16 of the Act.
(3) The Committee on Standards and Privileges shall exercise the following functions in respect of the Commissioner –
(a) considering any report made by the Commissioner under section 17(1)(c) or section 26 of the Act;
(b) requesting and considering advice from the Commissioner under section 17(1)(d);
(c) directing the Commissioner under section 24 (including specifying matters under section 24(2)(b)(i) and making requirements under section 24(2)(b)(ii));
(d) requesting a further investigation under section 26; and
(e) publishing a report under section 27(3).
(4) The consideration of a report or advice by the Committee on Standards and Privileges does not preclude its consideration by the Assembly.
(5)The Commissioner must investigate a referral –
(a) made by the Committee on Standards and Privileges, that relates to –
(i) the conduct of members; or
(ii) members and Assembly privilege, including alleged breach of privilege by a member;
(b) made by the Clerk to the Assembly, that relates to –
(i) the conduct of members, and
(ii) the Clerk’s duties as accounting officer within the meaning of the Government Resources and Accounts Act (Northern Ireland) 2001.’
Chairperson, Committee on Procedures
(d) Motion: Amend Standing Order 69C
Leave out Standing Order 69C and insert –
‘Members’ Interests: Rectification of Minor Errors
(1) This order applies to a failure by a member –
(a) to register an interest in the Register of Members’ Interests,
(b) to declare an interest.
(2) The Committee on Standards and Privileges may determine not to apply Standing Order 69B in respect of that failure if–
(a) the Commissioner recommends it;
(b) the failure was minor or inadvertent; and
(c) the member acknowledges the failure and apologises to the Assembly for it.
(3) Where the failure is under paragraph (1)(a), the Register must also be rectified.’
Chairperson, Committee on Procedures
4. Private Members’ Business
Motion: Centenary of the Signing of the Ulster Covenant
That this Assembly recognises the signing of the Ulster Covenant on 28 September 1912, in its centenary year, as an historic and significant event in the history of Northern Ireland; notes the availability of all the digitised signatures of the Covenant via the Public Record Office of Northern Ireland website; and affirms the importance of Ulster Unionists Lord Carson and Lord Craigavon and their legacy which remains in place today.
Mr M Nesbitt
Mr R Swann
Mr M McGimpsey
Motion: Parades
That this Assembly calls on the leadership of the Loyal Orders to become involved urgently in direct dialogue with residents' groups to resolve the issue of contentious parades which still affects entire communities during the summer.
Mr G Kelly
Mr M McLaughlin
Mr D McKay
5. Adjournment
- Health Provision in Armagh City and district
Mr C Boylan