Order Paper

Reference: OP 93/11-15

Date: 16 October 2012

The Assembly to sit at 10.30am.

Indicative Timings for the Order of Business

1.    Prayers

2.    Executive Committee Business

Motion: Accelerated Passage – Air Passenger Duty (Setting of Rate) Bill 
(NIA 15/11-15)


That the Air Passenger Duty (Setting of Rate) Bill (NIA Bill 15/11-15) proceed under the accelerated passage procedure.

Minister of Finance and Personnel

Second Stage: Air Passenger Duty (Setting of Rate) Bill (NIA 15/11-15)

Minister of Finance and Personnel

3.    Question Time

3.1       Culture, Arts and Leisure

3.2       Education

4.    Committee Business

Motion: Amend Standing Order 59


Leave out Standing Order 59 and insert –

‘59. Assembly and Executive Review Committee

(1) There shall be a standing committee of the Assembly to be known as the Assembly and Executive Review Committee.

(2) The committee may -

(a) exercise the power in section 44(1) of the Northern Ireland Act 1998;
(b) report from time to time to the Assembly and the Executive Committee.

(3) The committee shall consider –

(a) such matters relating to the operation of the provisions of Parts 3 and 4 of the Northern Ireland Act 1998 as enable it to make the report referred to in section 29A(3) of that Act; and

(b) such other matters relating to the functioning of the Assembly or the Executive Committee as may be referred to it by the Assembly.’

Chairperson, Committee on Procedures

5.    Private Members’ Business

Motion: The Disappeared


That this Assembly notes that it is 40 years since the first abduction of what would become known as 'The Disappeared' occurred; acknowledges that, to date, seven families have been denied the right to bury loved ones because of the actions of republican paramilitaries who abducted, murdered and hid the victims’ remains; commends the dignified perseverance of the families and the work of the Independent Commission for the Location of Victims Remains (ICLVR); pledges its support to those families in their ongoing fight for justice; and calls on all those with information to co-operate fully with the ICLVR so that this harrowing chapter of our history can be closed.

Mr W Humphrey
Ms P Bradley

6.    Adjournment

  • Nursery provision at St John's Primary School, Middletown, Co Armagh

Mr D Bradley